Anja: “I recommend PowGen X-Treme Burner to all my clients”

Anja is a woman of many talents; she has a master’s degree in translation while also being a licensed personal trainer. We sat down with her for a quick chat to find out what she thinks are the most effective weight loss supplements.


PowGen: Hello Anja, thanks for giving us the time! Tell me, have you always wanted to be a personal trainer?

Anja: I’ve always been interested in many different things, including physiotherapy, medicine and, of course, sports. I was a competitive athlete for 12 years! In my spare time, I started researching nutrition - I’ve tried many different diets. Becoming a personal trainer was a logical consequence.

PowGen: When and how did you first find out about PowGen?

Anja: “I found out about your products a few months ago. I was looking for products that would give me and my clients a push towards achieving weight-loss and fitness goals.

PowGenWhich ones did you like best? And why?

Anja: “My favourites are PowGen X-Treme Burner and L-Carnitine Max Power. I take these two at least 15 minutes before a workout. They provide a strong thermo-burning effecthelp improve my focus andendurance during my workouts and boost my energy levels.

PowGenWho do you think should take PowGen X-Treme Burner?

Anja: “I’d recommend it to everyone who feels like they need more energy during workouts. It’s absolutely indispensable for anyone battling excess fat because it really speeds up the fat-burning process. I’d also recommend L-Carnitine Max Power and Ultimate BCAA to reduce muscle fatigue and improve post-workout regeneration.”

What makes PowGen X-Treme Burner so powerful?

The capsules contain:

  • Amino acids L-tyrosine and L-carnitine that will improve your focus, boost your performance and help diminish muscle soreness
  • Garcinia Cambogia extract will get rid of food cravings, as well as prevent new fat formation
  • Caffeine and green tea extract will boost your metabolism, accelerate weight loss and stimulate fat-burning
  • Cayenne pepper extract will speed up your metabolic rate
  • B complex helps reduce tiredness and fatigue
  • Chromium helps stabilise blood-sugar levels and control appetite

PowGen X-Treme Burner is the perfect choice before your training sessions. With its triple effect - no more fat, no more hunger and incredible energy levels – it will impress anyone! Buy 1, get 1 FREE!